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Pekingese 101: All You Need to Know About the Loyal Toy Dog

General Appearance and Description

Perhaps one of the most popular dog breeds is the Pekingese. Characterized by its small size, this dog is balanced but compact. The body build is muscular and the body is long but not as obviously long as the dachshund.

The head is considerably large if measured in proportion against its body. The head is flat and massive with a broad muzzle and thick black nose. The large eyes are set wide apart with its ears lying squarely flat on the head.

Its legs are generally short and its tails are straight. The coat is thick, long, coarse, and comes in all sorts of colors and shades.

Basic Temperament

The Pekingese temperament is generally considered strong. These dogs are brave and are extremely stubborn. This is why you need a lot of patience in training them.

Once you have developed the relationship between dog and master, the Pekingese can be really loyal and faithful. One good Pekingese information that you need to know is its susceptibility to develop the small dog syndrome.

This is a behavior in which the dog thinks it is the master of the house. Due to its stubbornness and strong attitude, the Pekingese temperament may be difficult to understand.

Do not get this toy dog if you and your family cannot establish a clear dominance over it.

Care Required

It is extremely important that you do not overfeed this dog. The Pekingese is a small dog that has a bone disease. This is part of its genetic make-up and this is the reason it has a large head and a small frame. Overfeeding can cause obesity.

It is also very essential that you get it to a veterinarian for regular shots because this breed is prone to diseases. The grooming required is heavy due to its long coat.

You need to brush its coat daily and do a serious coat grooming twice a week in which you need to remove dead hair, tangles, and mattes.

Exercise Requirements

Daily exercise is required for this dog. Another interesting Pekingese information is that this breed is known to jump and bark excessively to show its dominance or to get the master’s attention.

The exercise should be minimal because this dog is prone to suffer from heat stroke due to its long coat, small build, and bone disorder.


Housebreaking can be a problem if you cannot commit to consistency of your presence and persistence in the training process. Just like any other dog, you need to train this dog to listen to your commands.

You also need to potty train this dog but it will take longer than usual because this dog is small. The problem with small dogs is that they hide behind furniture to do their deed and it makes it difficult for you to see.

Height and Weight

The Pekingese can grow up to nine inches in height and weigh up to five kilograms or 19 pounds.

Health and Longevity

This breed is very prone to catch colds and will experience difficulty in giving birth. As mentioned earlier, it already has a genetic bone disease which may aggravate into herniated discs and dislocated joints.

It is common for this dog to develop breathing and heart problems and this is the reason why you should not overfeed it. This dog can live up to 15 years.


This breed is playful and it is ideal for apartments. They can do well without a yard but they need daily walk. Without a daily walk, this breed may start showing behavior problems so it is best to make this a habit daily.

For more information and everything you need to know about the Pekingese, check out the highly recommended Pekingese eBook and audio package today!